Latest FIA Jobs 2023 - Online Registration - Full Guide - Jobs24portals

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FIA Jobs: How to Prepare and Qualify for a Career in Faderal Investigation Agency

Are you interested in working for the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA)? Do you want to know how to prepare and qualify for a career in 

FIA? In this article, we will guide you through the steps you need to take to secure a job in FIA.

Introduction to FIA

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) is the premier investigation agency of Pakistan. It is responsible for investigating crimes related to 

terrorism, smuggling, cybercrime, human trafficking, money laundering, and other 

serious crimes. The FIA has a proud history of serving the nation and maintaining law and order.

FIA Jobs 2023 Online Apply
FIA Jobs 2023 Online Apply

Eligibility Criteria for FIA Jobs

To apply for a job in FIA, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:


You must be between 20 to 35 years of age. However, there is age relaxation for candidates belonging to certain categories, such as minorities, disabled, and ex-servicemen.


You must have at least a Bachelor's degree from a recognized university. Some jobs may require a specific degree or specialization.

Physical Fitness

You must meet the physical fitness criteria specified by FIA. This includes a height of at least 5 feet 6 inches for male candidates and 5 feet 2 inches for female candidates. You must also pass a physical fitness test.

Other Requirements

You must be a citizen of Pakistan or AJK. You must have a valid CNIC and domicile of the respective province. You must also have a clean criminal record.

FIA Jobs 2023 Online Apply
FIA Jobs 2023 Online Apply

How to Apply for FIA Jobs

To apply for FIA jobs, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the FIA Website

Visit the FIA website ( to check for available job opportunities.

Step 2: Register an Account

Create an account on the FIA website and fill in the required information, such as personal details, education, and work experience.

Step 3: Apply for the Job

Once you have registered an account, you can apply for the job you are interested in. Make sure you submit all the required documents, such as educational certificates, CNIC, and domicile.

FIA Contact Info and Details

Table of Contents:

  1. Address: FIA Head Quarters, G-9/4, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  2. Helpline: 111-345-786
  3. Email: complaints (at)

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Selection Process for FIA Jobs

The selection process for FIA jobs includes the following steps:

Written Test

You will be required to take a written test, which will test your knowledge of the relevant subjects, such as English, General Knowledge, and Current Affairs.

Physical Test

You will also be required to take a physical test, which will test your physical fitness, such as running, jumping, and push-ups.


If you qualify for the written and physical tests, you will be called for an interview. The interview will assess your communication skills, knowledge, and attitude.

Final Selection

The final selection will be based on your overall performance in the written test, physical test, and interview.

2023 FIA Employment: PDF Application Form Available

Make sure to frequently check this webpage to stay up-to-date on the most recent developments related to FIA Jobs, including 

eligibility criteria, vacancy announcements, test dates, syllabi, past papers, sample papers, required experience and qualifications, salary 

ranges, age limitations, test results, and merit lists. Aspiring candidates who have applied for FIA vacancies are now eagerly awaiting their test slips.

Tips for Qualifying for FIA Jobs

To increase your chances of qualifying for FIA jobs, you need to follow these tips:

Prepare Well

Prepare well for the written and physical tests. Study the relevant subjects and practice the physical exercises.

Dress Appropriately

Dress appropriately for the interview. Wear formal clothes and maintain a neat and clean appearance.

Be Confident

Be confident during the interview. Speak clearly and confidently, and maintain eye contact with the interviewer.

Showcase Your Skills

Showcase your skills during the interview. Highlight your strengths and accomplishments and demonstrate your passion for the job.

Next Article


securing a job in the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) requires meeting the eligibility criteria, passing the selection process, and 

showcasing your skills and passion for the job. By following the tips and steps outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of 

qualifying for FIA jobs and pursuing a career in this esteemed agency. Remember to prepare well, dress appropriately, be confident, and 

showcase your skills during the interview. Good luck with your job search!


  1. What types of jobs are available in FIA?
  • FIA offers a variety of jobs related to the investigation, intelligence, cybersecurity, and law enforcement.

  1. Can females apply for FIA jobs?
  • Yes, females can apply for FIA jobs as long as they meet the eligibility criteria.

  1. How often does FIA announce job vacancies?
  • FIA announces job vacancies periodically throughout the year. You can check their website for updates.

  1. Do you need prior experience to apply for FIA jobs?
  • It depends on the job requirements. Some jobs may require prior experience, while others may not.

  1. Is there a limit to the number of times you can apply for FIA jobs?
  • There is no limit to the number of times you can apply for FIA jobs, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria and pass the selection process.
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